Analysis of uranium and related impurities in ores, concentrates, products of their processing, cakes and solutions of underground leaching

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Determination of uranium content in process solutions by the titrimetric method
Determination of low contents of uranium in cakes, dumps and environmental objects (soil, turf, soil), technological solutions, natural and waste waters by chemical spectrophotometric method
Determination of uranium content in organic solutions and organo-mineral systems
Determination of uranium content in ion exchange resins, impregnates, polymer compounds and composites
Determination of uranium content and related elements in ores and concentrates by the X-ray spectral method
Determination of the content of related elements in uranium ores, concentrates, cakes, dumps and industrial uranium solutions and solutions of underground leaching using ICP AES, AAS methods
Determination of uranium and limited impurities in the products of enterprises for the extraction and processing of uranium ores and intermediate products by ICP AES and AAS methods

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