Earthquake Testing

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Earthquake Testing
The Center conducts tests for seismic resistance (seismic resistance) according to the Programs and Methods of Customers, taking into account the requirements of GOST 30546.2-98, NP 031-01.
 Photo test for seismic resistance of the transformer on the electrodynamic stand. Tests are carried out by specialists of the Seismo-Garant Center.

Tests are carried out on electrodynamic vibrostand.

The purpose of the seismic resistance tests is to confirm the requirements for the resistance of equipment and products to earthquake effects.

The intensity of the earthquake is determined by points.

Seismic stability scores are based on the MSK-64 seismicity scale.

When testing for seismic resistance:
1) fix the product on the electrodynamic shaker:

Seismic effects are considered to be attached to the product at its attachment points.
at the stand there are special openings for fastening products
in the laboratory there is a lifting and transport equipment, special devices for fastening non-standard products

2) determine the dynamic characteristics of the product (product resonance)

method of smoothly changing the frequency of sinusoidal oscillations (according to GOST 30546.2-98, method 100-1)
reflect the results in the form of graphs of amplitude-frequency characteristics along the three axes X, Y, Z, determining the dynamic factor
Picture of the product resonance when testing to determine the dynamic characteristics of the RZA cabinet

3) conduct vibration tests, setting specific modes (frequency range, vibration acceleration amplitude)

method of oscillating frequency when exposed to sinusoidal vibration (according to GOST 30546.2-98, method 102-1)
tests are carried out in three mutually perpendicular planes

4) assess the appearance of the product, check the performance and other parameters stipulated by the Technical Specifications

Modes when testing for seismic resistance
(frequency and amplitude range of vibration acceleration) are determined based on the following factors:

Picture of requirements for testing seismic resistance for industrial-grade products supplied to NPP facilities, FGC UES and other facilities.

If a mechanical performance group is installed for the product (M1-M47), the Test Modes are determined based on the modes of a specific group, taking into account Additional Requirements. The determination of the seismic resistance test modes by the mechanical performance group
If a mechanical performance group is not established for the product, then the Modes during seismic resistance tests are determined based on the Graph of the relationship between the maximum acceleration amplitude and the frequency of sinusoidal vibration, using coefficients. Determining the seismic resistance test modes without a mechanical performance group
Specialists IC "Seismo-Garant", if necessary, can develop a program and test methods.
The result of tests for seismic resistance are test reports, designed in accordance with the established requirements.
Test records for seismic resistance are recognized by:
certification bodies in the ICU system
objects of the oil and gas industry: Gazprom, Transneft
objects of the Maritime Register of Shipping
objects of the Military Register (Ministry of Defense)
with the certification of equipment in the Federal Grid Company UES (FGC UES)
nuclear power plants (NPP)

1) When testing for seismic resistance of products supplied to NPPs, the seismic category according to NP 031-01 is taken into account:

products of seismic category I must withstand loads equal to the Maximum Earthquake Estimated (MHA) during and after the seismic impact;
products of seismic category II must withstand loads equal to the design earthquake (PZ) after seismic impact
2) When testing for seismic resistance of products supplied to Gazprom facilities, the requirements of the STO Gazprom are taken into account.
3) When testing for seismic resistance of products supplied to the facilities of FGC UES, the requirements of the STO FGC UES are taken into account.

Certificate of Earthquake Resistance
Our center can issue a voluntary certificate of conformity GOST 30546.1-98 (General requirements for seismic resistance).
The certificate is issued on the basis of test reports for seismic resistance or calculations for seismic resistance.

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