Climatic tests

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Climatic tests:

environmental testing of equipment according to state standards and customer programs.

The purpose of the test is to confirm the Climatic class of products in accordance with the requirements of GOST 15150-69, the requirements of the Specifications, other requirements for equipment (product).

The climatic design of the products and the category of placement determine the scope of the required tests.

Our center conducts climate tests:

Temperature tests

exposure to elevated temperatures
on the effects of low temperatures
Environmental Temperature Tests
Humidity tests
Solar Tests
Salt fog tests
Atmospheric Low Pressure Tests
Tests for frost followed by thawing
Rain tests
Dust tests
Mold fungi trials

The main testing equipment of the Laboratory of climatic tests:
Picture list of test equipment for climatic tests of IC Seismo-Garant

Weight and size characteristics of the tested samples:

Weight - up to 3 tons. Dimensions: up to 1600 x 1600 x 3100 (W x H x D)

The result of climatic tests (on the impact of climatic factors) are protocols, designed in accordance with the established requirements. The result for each type of environmental test is made out by a separate protocol. If necessary, it is possible to design the Result in the form of a Report.
Climate Test Protocol.
Protocols are recognized:

certification bodies in the ICU system
objects of the oil and gas industry: Gazprom, Transneft
objects of the Maritime Register of Shipping
objects of the Military Register (Ministry of Defense)
with the certification of equipment in the Federal Grid Company UES (FGC UES)
nuclear power plants (NPP)

Our center develops Programs and methods of testing for the impact of climatic factors. Programs are developed taking into account the requirements of specific objects (Ministry of Defense, Nuclear Power Plants, FGC UES, Maritime Register, Gazprom).

If necessary, the product is tested in working condition. Electrical or mechanical load is applied to the product. During testing, the operability of the product is checked.

The center conducts climate tests:

Electrical Products
Ventilation and dust suppression equipment
Pipe Fittings
Electrical installation products
Fire Fighting Equipment
Measuring equipment and instruments
Navigation equipment
CCTV Equipment
Communication facilities

The list of standards is presented in the Test Standards section.

We inform that the Testing and Certification Forum works for us.

Perhaps there you will find answers to your questions:

Tests for transformer low temperatures .....
Tests on the climate of the reactor ...
Climatic tests on the electric motor ...
Climatic tests of transformers ...
Mechanical tests - shock, vibration, climatic tests - humidity, temperature ...
Tests on the degree of protection IP 54 busbars ...
Testing equipment for environmental testing ...
Tests of equipment for solar radiation ...
Tests on the mushroom resistance of electronic equipment ...

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