Geological and technological assessment of natural deposits

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If there are any signs of ore deposits, interested parties have many questions to decide on the possibility of their development:

What does ore contain (major components and impurities)?
In what form (mechanical and chemical composition, mineral forms of finding)?
Possibilities of enrichment and processing of the main and related components? What is the degree of their recoverability of existing technologies?
What will be waste when using different technologies? How to dispose of this waste?
How much can a field exploration cost?

The answers to these questions determine the feasibility of developing this field. Only after such an assessment can a decision be made to carry out more expensive and capital-intensive work to determine reserves, etc.

For the purpose of examination of ore occurrences and deposits of noble, radioactive, rare-earth and rare metals, the geological department of VNIIKhT OJSC conducts a comprehensive analysis of your deposit:

(field work) reconnaissance on the ground with determination of places and methods of sampling (testing of outcrops, ditches, logs, wells, core of wells, etc.);
(field work) selection of representative technological samples;
(field work) sample preparation for transportation and analysis;
(laboratory work) analytical studies: determination of the main and associated components;
(laboratory work) studies on ore preparation, concentrating and processing of ores.

As a result, the Customer receives:

Comprehensive analysis of the composition of the ore on the content and mineral forms of the main and associated components.
Recommendations on the technological scheme of enrichment and processing of ore, taking into account the possibility of complex extraction of useful components.
Characterization of waste generated and recommendations for disposal (additional removal of associated useful components and / or neutralization of hazardous / hazardous components) of future technological waste.
Recommendations on the direction of further exploration and advice on the choice of specialized exploration companies.

Based on this data, the Customer may:

to present an enlarged technological scheme for the extraction of useful components and recycling of waste with the neutralization of harmful / hazardous components;
have an idea of ​​the nature, timing and cost of further work;
determine for yourself the economic feasibility of developing this field and plan further activities

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