Hydrometallurgical processing of ores and technogenic raw materials

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Hydrometallurgical processing involves a complex of works on the extraction of useful components from solid raw materials, consisting of the following main elements:
opening - transfer of useful components into a form suitable for dissolution;
leaching - selective transfer of useful components from the solid to the liquid phase;
purification and isolation of metals and their compounds - a set of various processes aimed at the isolation of pure metals and their compounds from solutions.
OJSC VNIIKhT offers the following laboratory-scale hydrometallurgical processes:

Acid, alkaline autopsy
laboratory reactors from 200 to 2000 ml with heating and mixing device;
laboratory autoclaves with a volume of 1 and 2 liters for work in acidic and alkaline environments;
enlarged laboratory autoclave unit with a 50 l autoclave for leaching feedstock only in acidic media;
integrated plant for carrying out atmospheric leaching under continuous conditions in acidic and alkaline media, the volume of reactors 50 -70 l;
columns for conducting heap leaching in acidic and alkaline media d = 35mm, h = 1100mm.
Separation processes
laboratory vacuum filters F = 0.001-0.034m2;
laboratory filters under pressure up to 200 ml;
laboratory installations for settling;
Pulsating mixing column apparatus for classifying, isolating and washing solid materials d = 55mm, h = 1,7m;
laboratory installations for the selection of flocculating reagents.
Concentration, purification and isolation of metals from solutions and slurries

Extraction processing:
centrifugal extractors - 40 steps of fluoroplastic, capacity up to 10 l / hour by the sum of the phases;
mixer-settler box type, 10 steps of Plexiglas, performance 2l / hour;
Sorption processing:
countercurrent ion exchange columns for sorption and desorption of metals with a volume of charged ion exchanger from 0.05 to 8.5 liters.

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