Carbon Testing Center

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Carries out a set of works on carrying out physicomechanical, thermophysical, chemical and other types of testing of materials for various purposes based on carbon (graphite; fibers; fabrics; carbon - carbon composite materials (UUKM), carbon plastics; carbon - ceramic materials, etc.) and products from them, including for the purposes of conformity assessment.

Along with quality control of materials, the Center conducts work on:

- the study of the relationship of the structure and properties of materials for various purposes based on carbon and products from them;
conducting accelerated climatic tests to determine the persistence of the properties of materials for various purposes based on carbon and products from them when exposed to environmental conditions;

- development and introduction of new methods for non-destructive testing, physical-mechanical, thermal physics, chemical, phase, spectral and other types of analyzes (tests) of carbon-based materials for various purposes and products from them.

The center includes 3 laboratories:

- Laboratory of non-destructive control methods
- Laboratory of Physico-Mechanical and Thermophysical Research Methods
- Laboratory of physical and chemical research methods

The laboratories of the NIIgrafit Testing Center have measurement procedures (over 200), standards for conducting various types of tests, measuring instruments and certified equipment necessary for solving their problems, including unique testing facilities developed by NIIgrafit specially for testing carbon materials, including at temperatures up to 3000 ° C.

The laboratory of standardization "NIIgrafit" stores more than 250 specifications for various grades of carbon materials, according to which the necessary control tests can be carried out by the Centre's laboratories.
The staff of the Testing Center is staffed with highly qualified specialists who have the appropriate education, training and experience in conducting work within the scope of activity.
- Analytical service

- Accreditation certificate

- Scope of accreditation

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    نحن متخصصون في الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية للبحوث وتطوير الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية ، باستخدام أفضل المعدات والخبراء

    Nos especializamos en la investigación de outsourcing y desarrollo de outsourcing, utilizando los mejores equipos y expertos.



    +381 62 854 4808

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    JURIJA GAGARINA 231, NOVI BEOGRAD, SERBIA, 11070 +381 62 854 4808