Local microanalysis and technological mineralogy
Study of the morphology of particles, their size and chemical composition (including the study of heterogeneous grains, the internal structure of the aggregates). Preparation of preparations for electronic microscopy.
CamScan scanning raster electron microscope with analyzing attachment consisting of Link Analytical energy-dispersive detector and AN 10000 analyzer
The study of the distribution of basic and impurity components in the aggregates of chemical compounds. Refinement of the composition of microimpurities according to the results of preliminary study of samples on scanning electron microscopes.
Camebax SX-48 microanalyzer with three wave detectors (micro probe)
X-ray phase semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis. In particular, the determination of the degree of crystallization of the samples and the parameters of the crystal structures.
X-ray diffractometer DRON-3M
Study of transparent, polished and transparently polished preparations in the visible region of the spectrum with photo registration of objects of study. The study of the phase ratio, their optical properties, the shape and dimension of the grains.
optic stereomicroscopes with visible and ultraviolet spectral illuminators and digital photo presets.
- derivatograph (VK)