Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Analysis

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1. Automatic pycnometer AccuPic 1340 (Micromeritics, USA) to determine the pycnometric density of helium.

2. Portable X-MET - 5000 portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Oxford, UK) for express analysis of compact powder materials and various metals.

3. The device NETZSCH STA-449 F1 Jupiter (Germany) to determine the temperature, the enthalpy of phase transformations and weight changes in substances subjected to heating or cooling.

4. Elemental analyzer EuroVectorEA3000 (Italy) for determining the content of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen by gas chromatography.

5. BrukerA8 Advance diffractometer (Germany) to determine the structural and phase characteristics of carbon materials.

6. Automated system ASAP 2020 (USA) - for the analysis of surface area and the study of the porous structure of materials using the methods of physical sorption of nitrogen.
7. Spectrograph DFS-8 (Russia), coupled with a photoelectron cassette FEK-6/3648 / BMZ and PC for determining the content of elements in carbon materials by atomic emission analysis. Ranges of measured values: 0.1 - 0.00001% mass.

8. FTIR-spectrometer Scimitar 1000 company Varian (USA) for the identification of organic and inorganic compounds and structural group analysis of organic products. The device is equipped with photoacoustic and ATR attachments.

9. X-ray fluorescence wave spectrometer S-8 Tiger (Germany) for the analysis of materials in the range of elements from B5 to U92.

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