Laboratory of Non-Destructive Methods of Control The following types of tests are carried out in the laboratory.

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1. Determination of the coefficient of thermal conductivity at normal temperature in the range from 0.2 to 200 W / m / K. The method of stationary heat flow is used. The sample dimensions are 15 mm in diameter and 5 to 20 mm high.

2. Determination of thermal conductivity at temperatures from 1000 ° C to 2500 ° C in the range from 0.2 to 50 W / m / K. The installation implements the method of internal heat source with direct current passing through the sample, as well as the method of stationary heat flow.

3. Determination of the coefficient of thermal linear expansion (CTLR) to 3000 ° C. For the determination of CTLR up to 3000 ° С, an NIIgrafit production unit with an optical elongation converter is used.

4. Determination of electrical resistivity at normal temperature from 2 to 2000 Ohm * mm2 / m. The installation uses the four-point probe method.

5. X-ray flaw detection of parts made of structural graphite and CCCM.

6. Testing is carried out on the climatic resistance of various materials and parts from -75 ° C to + 180 ° C and relative humidity up to 98%.

7. Determination of the dynamic modulus of elasticity of various fibers.

8. Determination of the dynamic modulus of elasticity of structural graphite and carbon-carbon composite materials.

9. Conducting heat treatment of various materials in a neutral environment at temperatures up to 3000 ° C.

10. Determination of the tightness of parts for various purposes (under development).

11. determination of the coefficient of thermal conductivity at temperatures from -60 to 200 ° C (under development).

12. Determination of resistivity from 2 to 2000 Ohm.mm2 / m at temperatures from -60 to 200 ° C (under development).

13. Ultrasonic inspection of parts.

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