Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing

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Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing
conducts testing of equipment on EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) according to state standards and Customer Programs.

EMC tests are carried out for:

1. Products supplied to nuclear power plants (GOST R 50746-2000, GOST 32137-2013 Technical equipment for nuclear power plants)

2. Products undergoing certification at FGC UES (STO 56947007-29.240.044-2010)

Our center has the ability to test for electromagnetic compatibility:

resistance to electrostatic discharges, 0.7-1.0 ns, 8/15 kVPhoto of tests for electromagnetic compatibility in the amount of requirements of the Atomic stations of the relay protection cabinet and automation. The tests were carried out by specialists of Seismo-Garant Center
resistance to radio frequency electromagnetic fields
resistance to nanosecond impulse noise in power supply and I / O
resistance to microsecond impulse noise high energy
resistance to conducted interference induced by radio frequency fields
resistance to dynamic changes in power supply voltage
resistance to oscillatory damped interference frequency of 1 MHz
resistance to sinusoidal distortion of power supply voltage
resistance to fluctuations in power supply voltage from ± 6% to ± 20%
resistance to conducted interference in the frequency band from 0 to 150 kHz
resistance to changes in the frequency of the supply voltage to (50+ 7.5) Hz
resistance to magnetic fields of industrial frequency with intensity up to 1000 A / m
resistance to pulsed magnetic fields of 8/20 μs with intensity up to 1000 A / m
emission of industrial interference in the 0.15-30 MHz and 30-1000 MHz
emission of harmonic current components by technical means
resistance to short-term sinusoidal noise currents in ground circuits
resistance to microsecond impulse noise currents in ground circuits

Basic testing equipment of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory:
Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing
Dimensions of the test sample 800h800h2200 (GhShhV)
Sample weight - up to 500 kg

The electromagnetic compatibility test program should include:

Execution of the vehicle (technical equipment)
Safety class
The degree of rigidity of the electromagnetic environment
Group of performance TC interference resistance
Performance criterion
Emission Interference Ratios

!!! Please note, if there is no special grounding circuit in the vehicle, then the product is not tested for resistance to short-term sinusoidal interference currents of 50 Hz in the protective and signal ground circuits; to the currents of microsecond pulse noise in the protective and signal ground circuits.

!!! We pay attention if the vehicle is used in substations with a constant operating current, the product is not subjected to tests for resistance to dynamic power supply voltages, resistance to power supply voltage fluctuations, resistance to frequency changes in power supply systems, resistance to sinusoidal distortions of the voltage curve, tests for harmonic components current, tested for voltage fluctuations caused by the vehicle in the power supply network
EMC test reports

The test results are test reports, drawn up in accordance with the established requirements.
Test reports are recognized:
certification bodies in the ICU system
objects of the oil and gas industry: Gazprom, Transneft
objects of the Maritime Register of Shipping
objects of the Military Register (Ministry of Defense)
with the certification of equipment in the Federal Grid Company UES (FGC UES)
nuclear power plants (NPP)

We inform that the Testing and Certification Forum works for us.
Perhaps there you will find answers to your questions.

EMC tests for NPP equipment ...
EMC cabinet tests for certification at FGC UES ...

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    JURIJA GAGARINA 231, NOVI BEOGRAD, SERBIA, 11070 +381 62 854 4808