Measurement of the characteristics of the illumination of infrastructure: streets, highways, architectural structures, etc.

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The laboratory has everything to provide a service for measuring the parameters and characteristics of lighting of city streets, highways, architectural and sports facilities, stations, stations, airports and other infrastructure, photometric parameters of traffic lights and light signaling devices, incl. at the facilities of JSC Russian Railways.

The mobile laboratory kit provides measurements of all the required SPs 52.13330.2016, PNST 27 - 2015, GOST R 54305-2011, GOST 33176-2014, GOST R 55706—2013 (and other relevant standards) of the parameters of the above objects directly at their location, The main ones are: brightness and illumination of the roadway, brightness and colorimetric characteristics of illuminated buildings and structures, sports facilities, similar characteristics of architectural lighting, luminous intensity, chromaticity, brightness, and other traffic lights, lighting devices oic alarm.

The mobile version of the laboratory also allows directly at the installation site to measure colorimetric characteristics (chromaticity parameters - color temperatures, chromaticity coordinates) of the objects themselves - road surfaces and building facades, and light sources illuminating them. A special place in the mobile version of the laboratory is occupied by the apparatus, which makes it possible to measure with high precision the parameters of the pulsation of the luminous flux (illumination) of any light sources directly at the place of their installation.

The main regulatory documents on measurement methods: GOST 26824—2010, GOST R 54944-2012, GOST 33393-2015, GOST R 54350-2015, GOST R 55707—2013, GOST R 54308-2011, GOST R 55708—2013, and others. Basic measuring instruments of the mobile version of the laboratory: Minolta CS-100A brightness meter colorimeter, Ocean optics HR4000 spectrometer, TESTO 545 lux meter, Minolta T10 lux meter, photometers, range finders, analytical equipment. The main photometric measuring instruments used are based on highly stable silicon photodiodes with high-precision correction to the visibility curve, and have a number of metrological advantages over CCD-based devices (which are not measuring instruments), especially brightness measurements (high reproducibility of results, low error) . The metrological characteristics of the equipment make it possible to measure brightness with an accuracy of 0.01 cd / m2.

Among the large-scale orders implemented by the laboratory for measuring the illumination parameters of the above types of objects, the following should be noted.

- Lighting engineering audit of sports facilities in Sochi in 2014 - Grand Ice Arena, bobsleigh track, separate sections of ski runs.

- Measurement of parameters of street lighting of the city of Bryansk.

- Lighting audit of Pyaterochka chain stores.

- Measurement of parameters of street lighting of the city of Ryazan.

- Measurement of lighting parameters of pedestrian crossings at the Moscow Ring Road (Moscow).

- Measurement of parameters of street lighting of the city of Petrozavodsk.

- Measurement of the characteristics of the information screen and architectural lighting of objects in the city of Tobolsk.

- Measurement of parameters of street lighting of a number of objects in the Moscow region

Parameter Cost, rub
1 Basic measurement program of lighting characteristics of illumination from lighting installations of infrastructure: highways, roads and streets of cities, architectural and artistic lighting of buildings, etc. directly at the place of their placement for compliance with the requirements. SP 52.13330.2016, PNST 27 - 2015, GOST R 54305-2011, GOST 33176-2014, GOST R 55706—2013

1 - Power supply, U, V
2 - Illumination of the surface, E, lx
3 - Brightness, L, cd / m2 50,000 / 1 object (approximately)
2 Extended program of measurements of lighting characteristics of illumination from lighting installations of infrastructure: highways, roads and streets of cities, architectural and artistic lighting of buildings, etc. directly at the place of their placement for compliance with the requirements. SP 52.13330.2016, PNST 27 - 2015, GOST R 54305-2011, GOST 33176-2014, GOST R 55706—2013

1 - Power supply, U, V
2 - Illumination of the surface, E, lx
3 - Brightness, L, cd / m2
4 - Coordinates of chromaticity (correlated color temperature) of lighting devices, X, Y, Z (ССТ, К)
5 - Coordinates of chromaticity (correlated color temperature) of reflected light (from the surface of roads, buildings), X, Y, Z (ССТ, К)
6 - Pulsation coefficient of illumination (luminous flux),% 80,000 / 1 object (approximately)
3 Measurement program for lighting characteristics of traffic lights and light signaling devices

1 - Light intensity, Iv, cd
2 - Coordinates of chromaticity (dominant wavelength), X, Y, Z (d, nm) 50,000 / 1 object (approximately)

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