Electrical measurement program

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Measuring range of electrical characteristics:

Voltage: 1 - 300V
Frequency: 40-500Hz
Power: up to 500W

Content of the program:
№ Parameter Cost, rub
1 Program for measuring the electrical characteristics of radiation sources (lamps, lamps, LEDs) for AC consumers
1 - Supply voltage, Uf, V
2 - Current consumption, If, A
3 - Active power consumption, P, W
4 - Total power consumption, S, VA
5 - Reactive power Q, VAr
6 - Power factor, COS F 3600
2 Program for measuring the electrical characteristics of radiation sources (lamps, lamps, LEDs) for DC consumers
1 - Supply voltage, Uf, V
2 - Current consumption, If, A
3 - Power consumption, P, W 1200
3 The program of measurements of electrical characteristics for LEDs
1 - Direct current-voltage characteristic, If (Uf) [A (V)]
2 - Inverse current-voltage characteristic, Ir (Ur) [A (V)]
3 - Differential: resistance and power consumption, dI (dU) [Ohm], dI * dU [W] 3000

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