Basic photometric measurement set

Basic photometric measurement set

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Basic photometric measurement set
It contains the necessary minimum of parameters required for evaluating the main photometric parameters of a light source - IC (lamp, lamp, LED, etc.): luminous flux, angular characteristics of radiation, luminous intensity. It is used to verify that the calculated or declared characteristics of the IP are real.
Deadline (up to 5 samples): 2 working days.
Content of the program:
1 Diagram of the spatial distribution of luminous intensity in one or 2 planes of space, Iv () [cd (deg)] V
2 Maximum and axial luminous intensity Ivmax [cd], Ivax [cd]
3 Angular characteristics of radiation at 2 m any levels of luminous intensity of each plane (n * Iv) [deg (n * cd)]
4 Luminous flux, F [lm]
5 Distribution of luminous flux by 2 m any levels of luminous intensity or radiation angles within the diagram, Ф () [lm (n * cd)], [lm (deg)]

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