Extended Photometric Measurement Set

Extended Photometric Measurement Set

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Extended Photometric Measurement Set
Contains an extended list of parameters required for a detailed assessment of the photometric parameters of a light source (lamp, lamp, LED, etc.): luminous flux, angular characteristics of radiation, luminous intensity, luminous efficiency, etc. It is used to verify compliance of the calculated or declared characteristics of the IP with real as well as for the formation of specifications, specifications, "datasheets."
Deadline (up to 5 samples): 2 working days.
No. Parameter
1 Diagram of the spatial distribution of luminous intensity (radiant power) in several planes of space, Iv () [cd (deg)]
2 Maximum and axial luminous intensity Ivmax [cd], Ivax [cd]
3 Angular characteristics of radiation at 2 m any levels of luminous intensity of each plane (n * Iv) [deg (n * cd)]
4 Luminous flux, F [lm]
5 Illumination (energy illumination) of the surface from the radiation source under study at any distance from it, E [lx], E [W / m2]
6 Distribution of luminous flux over any levels of luminous intensity or angles of radiation within a diagram in the measurement planes, Φ () [lm (n * cd)], [lm (deg)]
7 Direct IVC, If (Uf) [A (V)] (only for LEDs)
8 Reverse IVC, Ir (Ur) [-A (-V)] (only for LEDs)
9 Active power consumption, P [W]
10 Light efficiency of the radiation source (light output) K = F (P) [lm / Wel]

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