Any lighting device or light source is described by the spatial distribution of the luminous intensity (photometric body), which is used to create IES files or .LDT files (there are other formats, but they are much less common). For example, the 3DS MAX program works only with IES files and does not support any other formats.
The IES format is international and is used for lighting calculations by professional lighting engineers and lighting designers.
IES files contain information that allows the DIALux and RELUX program to count and create lighting projects for lighting any objects as close as possible to the actual implementation. The correctness of the data files is based on the reliability and accuracy of the measured characteristics of the lighting device. The Archilight photometric laboratory has all the capabilities to create IES data files of the highest level for the maximum quality of reproduction of lighting projects. Metrological equipment allows you to create a photometric body of the light source, using up to 1000 measured diagrams of the angular distribution of luminous intensity in different planes with a step angle in each plane to 0.02 degrees, thus obtaining an array of data from 14,000,000 (14 million) luminous intensity values . The measurement protocol for the IES file creation program or .LDT will (in addition to the files themselves) contain all the lighting calculations and measured parameters obtained during the study, as well as the 3D representation of the photometric source body, a detailed and highly accurate diagram of the surface illumination distribution at several distances from the source, specified by the customer, as well as an example of the application of the generated file in the DIALux environment for comparing the received project with the calculated parameters and demonstrating its functioning. project with design parameters and demonstration of its operation. We remind you that the shape of the angular distribution of the light source and its color (up to monochrome) do not matter.
Some physical limitations for a lighting fixture:
- The maximum value of the luminous intensity - up to 80 000 000 cd
- Maximum dimensions: 2.0 x 2.0 m
- Maximum weight - up to 50 kg
- The maximum consumed electrical power - up to 5 kW.
It is also possible to measure similar characteristics of the spatial distribution of radiation power (radiation power) for sources emitting in the range of 180 - 1100 nm (in the corresponding energy units.
Content of the program:
№ Parameter Cost, rub
1 Diagrams of spatial distribution of luminous intensity in the required number of space planes to form an .ies file format (at least 37 pieces), Iv (), [cd (deg)] V. Formation of 30,000
2 Measurement protocol for the obtained characteristics, including: a full report on the Integrated Program No. 2 (see the sample of the Protocol), diagrams: surface illumination distributions with an accuracy of 1 cm (isolux) at any distance from the source and at any height of the suspension, 3D view of the photometric body of the illuminant , an example of the calculation of the lighting project in the DIAlux program using the generated data file format ies. 8,000
3 Protocol for measuring the characteristics of Program No. 5 (electrical parameters: power factor, power consumption, etc.). 2000