Climatic tests of lighting products

Climatic tests of lighting products

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Climatic tests of lighting products
Laboratory ARCHILAYT provides services for customers in measuring lighting, electrical and spectral (colorimetric) characteristics of lighting devices, LEDs, emitting structures, other light sources (radiation sources in the range of 180-1100nm) in various climatic conditions of the environment.

The following conditions are available for research:

Relative humidity range: 1 ... 100%
Temperature range: –70 ... + 150 ° С
Dimensions of the devices under study: up to 0.7 × 0.6 × 0.6m
Power consumption: up to 800W
The rate of temperature set: not more than 1 ° C / min (it is possible to form any heating (cooling) profile in the specified range.

The laboratory has everything necessary to ensure the power supply of samples in the study of any voltage in the range of 0.1 - 300 V ac (40-500 Hz) and 0.01 - 300 V dc. Measuring instruments used in testing have the relevant verification certificates.

The cost of services for this type of test can be determined individually depending on the volume of the order.

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