International Analytical Center

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Analytik Jena AG

- The world's first commercial atomic absorption spectrometer with a continuous spectrum source "сontrAA-700" with electrothermal and flame atomization of samples and an automatic dispenser of solid samples.

allows with a single light source to determine almost all elements of the Table D.I. Mendeleev

- Microwave sample preparation system "TopWave".

designed for the rapid and effective decomposition of samples of different nature under the influence of microwave radiation at controlled pressure and temperature.

- Elemental analyzer "multiEA 5000".

designed to determine the elemental content of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and chlorine in solid, liquid and gaseous samples.

- Elemental analyzer "multi N / C 3100".

designed to determine the elemental content of carbon and nitrogen in liquid samples.

- Desktop scanning electron microscope "Hitachi TM3030".

for analyzing the surface of any materials with an increase of up to 30,000 and a resolution of up to 25 nm. The microscope allows for the study of non-conductive samples without coating with a conductive material (gold film, etc.) using a special mode. It is possible to measure the dimensions of the characteristic elements of the sample. The detector of back-reflected electrons allows us to observe bulk samples with shadow and volume contrast.

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    نحن متخصصون في الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية للبحوث وتطوير الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية ، باستخدام أفضل المعدات والخبراء

    Nos especializamos en la investigación de outsourcing y desarrollo de outsourcing, utilizando los mejores equipos y expertos.



    +381 62 854 4808

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    JURIJA GAGARINA 231, NOVI BEOGRAD, SERBIA, 11070 +381 62 854 4808