Research areas and main results
Chemistry of organoboron compounds: reactivity, use in multi-purpose organic synthesis.
Creation of new boron structures: unsaturated, cyclic and frame compounds.
Development of "boron" methods of organic synthesis.
Synthesis of natural substances and their analogues through organoborany.
Sigmatropic rearrangements of organoranes, including borotropy.
Main results
Allylboronation of organic compounds with multiple bonds, allylboron-acetylene condensation, reductive mono- and trans-a, a'-diallylation of nitrogen heterocycles by allyl boranes, permanent allyl rearrangement in allylborane are discovered.
Using organoboranes implemented complete synthesis of muscarinic ernandultsina, (+) - and (-) - CABOB, ipsenola, ipsdienola, digidropinidina, epidigidropinidina, indolizidinov 167V and 209D, psevdogeliotridana, rimantadine and derivatives of 1-borate and 1-azaadamantana.