Synthesis and study of new inorganic substances and materials / Laboratory of Magnetic Materials

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Main areas of work
Directed synthesis and study of heteroleptic coordination compounds of lanthanides with various osta-forming ligands as effective molecular magnets.
Synthesis and study of new magnetic materials - solid solutions based on ferro-, ferri- and antiferromagnetic spinel phases ACr2X4 (A = Fe, Co, Cu, Zn). Investigation of the electronic structure of d-block metal complexes (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Pd, Pt, etc.) with various osta-forming ligands.
Development of the physico-chemical basis of preparative separation of mixtures of substances using supercritical fluids (SCF), as well as methods for the synthesis of microparticles and nanomaterials using supercritical fluid technologies.
The most significant results
Methods for the synthesis of new lanthanide heteroleptic complexes have been developed. It is shown that a number of Dy (III), Er (III) and Yb (III) complexes demonstrate record characteristics of molecular magnetic materials for their class. The magnetic properties of continuous series of solid solutions - semiconductors in the systems "ferromagnet" - "ferrimagnetic-antiferromagnet": A1-xBxCr2S4 (A = Co, Fe, {Cu0.5Fe0.5}; B = Zn, {Cu0.5In0.5} , {Cu0.5Ga0.5}) and others. The nature of magnetic transformations has been revealed, the regions of existence of new magnetoactive phases have been determined. The electronic and magnetic states of metal centers in the polynuclear complexes of 3d metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) have been studied. Methods are proposed for modifying functional materials and separating substances from natural raw materials using SCF technologies.

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