Chemical structure and reactivity of coordination compounds / Laboratory of metal complex catalysis

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Main areas of work
Synthesis of catalytically active mono- and polynuclear compounds of metals of the V-VIII group (low molecular weight clusters, giant clusters and nanoparticles of these metals). The study of their physico-chemical, primarily catalytic properties.
Production of branched hydrocarbons from alcohols - high-octane components of motor fuel. Search for catalytic systems and selection of optimal process conditions.
Oxidative transformations of methane and higher alkanes into high-tech commercially valuable products (for example, dimethyl ether). Search for highly selective paths.
Theoretical and experimental study of the nature of О-О chemical bonds in complexes of coordination compounds and the mechanism of molecular oxidation reactions with peroxide compounds. Theoretical and experimental study.
Search for catalytically active compositions, including nanostructures, which allow the conversion of greenhouse gases - methane and carbon dioxide - in order to obtain commercially valuable synthesis gas, hydrogen fuel and electricity.
The most significant results
New highly efficient and selective catalysts for carbon dioxide methane conversion were found. New contacts make it possible to create energy-chemical units that produce electricity and hydrogen based on methane, which opens up new prospects for the transition of vehicles from hydrocarbon fuels to environmentally friendly ones.
Fundamentally important studies on the kinetics and mechanism of a series of reactions involving hydroperoxides were carried out, which made it possible to understand the ways in which singlet dioxygen and ozone participate in the oxidation of hydrocarbon and perfluorinated alkanes, arenes and alkenes. Using quantum chemical methods, it was shown that the [V (ηO2) 3] triperoxocomplex is isomerized into an unexpectedly more stable complex [V (= O) (ηO2) (O3)] -, containing the O3 group as a bidentate ligand. This reaction, as it turned out, flows through two intermediate complexes, which can transfer both singlet dioxygen and an oxygen atom to the substrate molecule.
For the first time, single crystals of more than 30 polynuclear complexes of divalent and trivalent metals of group VIII - palladium (II), platinum (II), nickel (II), cobalt (II) and (III), iron (II) and (III) with carboxylate ligands - acetate, pivalate, isobutyrate, S (+) - 2-methylbutyrate.

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    JURIJA GAGARINA 231, NOVI BEOGRAD, SERBIA, 11070 +381 62 854 4808