
Quick order
Coombs Direct Test
Rheumatoid factor
Rezokhinovy ​​test
Erythrocyte phenotyping
Express Detection HBsAg
Rapid detection of antibodies to HIV type 1.2
Rapid detection of antibodies to hepatitis C
Rapid detection of antibodies to treponema pallidum (syphilis)
Production of individual 3D implants from various materials (without material cost)
Production of individual 3D models of various anatomical structures - simple models
Production of individual 3D models of various anatomical structures - complex models requiring computer processing and editing of a digital model
Production of individual orthopedic products using 3D technologies - orthoses for large segments
Production of individual orthopedic products using 3D technologies - orthoses for small segments
Production of individual orthopedic insoles according to the data of an existing file using 3D technologies
Production of individual orthopedic insoles using 3D technology
Ambulatory trepanobiopsy of the 1st category of complexity
Ambulatory trepanobiopsy of the 2nd category of complexity
Ambulatory trepanobiopsy of the 3rd category of complexity
Imaging of histological preparations
Detection of amplification of the HER2 gene using the FISH method
Immunohistochemical study of up to 4 antibodies
Immunohistochemical study of over 4 antibodies
The study of punctate (trepanobiopsy) from bone tissue with microscopy
Pathological examination of the biopsy material of the gastrointestinal tract, liver
Pathoanatomical study of surgical and biopsy material of 1 category of complexity
Pathoanatomical study of surgical and biopsy material 2 category of complexity
Pathoanatomical research of operational and biopsy material 3 categories of complexity
Pathoanatomical research of operational and biopsy material 4 categories of complexity
Pathoanatomical study of surgical and biopsy material 5 category of complexity
Revision of histological preparations to 2 drugs
Revision of histological preparations of more than 2 drugs
Preparation of histological preparations to 2 drugs
Preparation of histological preparations of more than 10 preparations using additional staining methods
Preparation of histological preparations of more than 2 drugs
FISH diagnosis of melanocytic tumors
FISH diagnosis of brain tumors
1 category of complexity of the operation
2 category of complexity of the operation
3 category of complexity of the operation
4 category of complexity of the operation
5 category of complexity of the operation
Write research to disk
Irrigography (children)
Irrigoscopy with radiographs (children)
Fistulography (2 projections) (without the cost of a contrast agent)
Excretory urography (5 shots) (without the cost of a contrast agent)
Excretory urography in the hospital (without the cost of a contrast agent)
Anesthesia (w / avenous anesthesia)
Anesthesia (inhalation anesthesia)
Video capsular endoscopy (small bowel)
The study of the material of the stomach for the presence of Helicobakter pylori (Helic-test set)
Fibrobronchoscopy diagnostic
Fibrobronchoscopy therapeutic (without the cost of drugs)
Nipple biopsy of the gastrointestinal tract mucosa for histological examination of biopsy
Tongue polypectomy (polyps up to 5 mm)
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (examination of the initial jejunum)
Express method for determining the acidity of gastric juice (chromoscopy)
Electroexcision of a single polyp
Angiography of several vascular pools
Angiography of a single vascular pool
Duplex scanning of the arteries of both lower limbs
Duplex scanning of the arteries of one lower limb
Duplex scanning of the brachiocephalic arteries
Duplex vein scan of both lower limbs
Full duplex vein scan
Duplex scarning of brachiocephalic arteries + transcranial duplex skinning of cerebral vessels
Control re-ultrasound scan
Preoperative markup
Sclerotherapy (1 field)
Transcranial Duplex Study
Transcranial duplex scanning of cerebral vessels
ECHO cardiography
ECHO sclerotherapy (1 field)
F-Scan-study of foot support function - dynamics
F-Scan-study of the support function of the foot
F-Scan-study of the foot support function - selection of orthopedic insoles
F-Scan-study of the foot support function - static
Acoustic evoked potentials
Intragastric determination of the concentration of hydrogen ions in the gastric contents of pH
Duodenal examination with content analysis
Visual evoked potentials
Interference myography (EMG) (2 muscles)
Cognitive evoked potentials
Comprehensive biomechanical assessment of the hand
Computer Plantography
Computer optical topograph
Computer optical topograph and computer plantography
The computer optical topographer with selection
Indirect elastomerliver (Fibroscan)
Percutaneous measurement of oxygen tension in tissues
Somatosensory evoked potentials
Functional Spirometry
Daily blood pressure monitoring
Daily monitoring of blood pressure in children
Holter ECG monitoring daily
Daily ECG monitoring for Holter in children
Triplex arteries scan
Triplex scanning of the BCA of the transcranial department
Triplex scanning of the BCA extracranial
Triplex vein scan
Electrogastroenterography (daily)
Electrocardiography (ECG)
Electrocardiography (ECG) with functional breakdown
Electroneuromyography (ENMG) (1 nerv)
Electroencephalography (EEG)
Echocardiography (Echo CG)
Echocardiography with Doppler analysis
Echoencephalography (Echo EG)
Complex of equipment for genetic engineering:
Diffusion Fluorescence Tomograph
Nikon Eclipse Motorized Injected Microscope
The IVIS Spectrum molecular imaging system (CaliperLifeSciences, USA) for the fluorescent and bioluminescent imaging of small laboratory animals and cell plates
Operating room for working with animals
Reproductive toxicity studies
Study of allergenic properties
Study of mutagenic properties
Study of carcinogenic properties
Study of immunotoxicity
Immunogenicity study
The study of specific pharmacological activity in vivo
Study of specific pharmacological activity in vitro
Pharmacokinetics study (sampling without analytics)
Study of local irritating action (as an independent study)
Chronic toxicity (3 and 6 months)
Subchronic toxicity (30 days)
Sub acute toxicity (14 days)
Short-term chronic toxicity (original drugs, recombinant proteins, vaccines)
"Acute toxicity
generic "
"Acute toxicity
original drug "

    See also:
    R&D outsouring

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