Registration of drugs
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Preparation of documents and collection of registration dossier for submission to the regulatory authorities for the purpose of registration of a medicinal product for medical use.Electronic submission of registration dossier documents on the website and submission of paper registration dossier for a medicinal product for medical use to the regulatory authorities of the country of registration.
Accompanying the registration dossier for a drug for medical use in the state registration process: processing, preparing and submitting additional documents and materials in response to requests from the regulatory authorities of the country of registration.
Preparation of a package of documents and collection of materials for submission of samples of a medicinal product for quality examination within the framework of registration or making changes to the registration dossier for a drug
Preparation of documents and collection of the registration dossier for submission to the regulatory authorities for the purpose of including pharmaceutical substances in the GRDS.
Electronic submission of registration dossier documents on the website and submission of paper registration dossier to a pharmaceutical substance with a view to its inclusion in the GRLS
Preparation and submission of documents in order to make changes to the documents of the registration dossier for a medicinal product or a pharmaceutical substance.
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