In recent years, the market for services provided by private employment agencies has grown by 14% and reached 69.9 billion rubles, the Association of Private Employment Agencies reports in its study. Of the three market segments (recruitment, staffing and outsourcing), the largest growth showed the last one. The turnover of the business process outsourcing segment last year increased by 15%, to 51.1 billion rubles. Most often, companies applied for outsourcing of administrative processes (reception, call centers), as well as financial (accounting, document management), industrial (separate production lines), logistics (warehouses, purchases), trade (merchandising) and IT- (support, development ) processes The volume of the market for services for the provision of contingent labor in 2018 grew by 12.7% and amounted to 10.85 billion rubles. The majority (64%) of temporarily employed persons belonged to the category of white collars (office workers, employees, managers, engineering and technical personnel), another 36% were workers in industrial and manufacturing spheres. A quarter (27%) of vacancies were in the oil and gas, chemical and mining sectors, 18% - & mdash; in the field of service and consulting, 12% & mdash; industrial production.
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