One of the conditions for successful business development is maximum concentration on core business and competent resource management. But what to do with non-core tasks - accounting, legal department, IT? These tasks can be outsourced, while saving the company time and finances. But this tool requires the right approach. What is HR outsourcing? Translated from English, "outsourcing" literally means attracting other people's resources. In business, this can be described in a simple word - renting employees of a third-party company or an entire unit on a contractual basis, without involving them in the staff, without allocating a workplace, and so on.
When is it advisable to use HR outsourcing? The main rule: outsource only non-key tasks to focus on the main business goals. For example, manufacturing outsourcing assumes that some of the tasks for the manufacture of products will fall on another organization. A classic illustration of this kind of collaboration is the Apple brand, which has outsourced the assembly of its products to Chinese factories and saved billions of dollars. Most often, companies outsource business processes (accounting, HR department, legal support) and IT. But this list can be supplemented with many items, from logistics to cleaning.
HR outsourcing of a company: legal regulation There is no such thing as outsourcing in Russian legislation. But legal entities and citizens have freedom to conclude an agreement (Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, the parties can conclude any convenient form of contract - paid provision of services, a contract, or a mixed contract. Note! In paragraph 2 of Art. 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Accounting" states that the head of an enterprise has the right, on a contractual basis, to entrust accounting to a centralized accounting department, or to an accountant working as a private specialist. " Thus, the legislation gives direct permission for outsourcing of accounting. When drafting the contract, we recommend that you outline the scope of obligations and responsibilities of the parties as specifically as possible. A very important point is ensuring confidentiality, guaranteeing the protection of trade secrets. As in any document, here you need to clearly formulate the subject, terms, procedure for performing services and payment. If you will enter into a contract with an outsourcing company, be sure to check that its financial liability is insured. In the future, this will save you from unpleasant situations and penalties due to the accountant's mistakes.