Water analysis, price. The cost of water analysis.

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Akademlab's physico-chemical laboratory conducts a quantitative chemical analysis of all types of water (drinking, natural, bottled, waste), and also organizes microbiological analysis of water for its customers in accredited laboratories.
What determines the cost of water analysis
The price of water analysis depends on the type of water being studied, as well as on specific indicators and equipment used in the analysis process. For example, the cost of sewage analysis in most of the indicators will always be slightly higher than the cost of analyzing drinking water in the same indicators due to the large number of interfering influences and more complex sample preparation. In most of the water types, the Akademblab laboratory has developed lists of indicators to optimize the timing and cost of analysis. When developing the lists of indicators, the requirements of regulatory documents were taken into account, therefore, ordering research on the indicators recommended by us, you save time and money, and get all the necessary information about water quality.

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    نحن متخصصون في الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية للبحوث وتطوير الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية ، باستخدام أفضل المعدات والخبراء

    Nos especializamos en la investigación de outsourcing y desarrollo de outsourcing, utilizando los mejores equipos y expertos.



    +381 62 854 4808


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