“Wastewater” and “treated wastewater” are two fundamentally different concepts. Purified wastewater is water that has been treated before being discharged into water bodies, while untreated wastewater includes wastewater discharged by people and enterprises into the municipal sewage system.
Standards and maximum permissible concentrations of chemicals in waste water
The standards for the content of harmful substances in purified and untreated wastewater are also significantly different. The quality of treated wastewater is regulated by SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface water”, GN “Maximum Permissible Concentrations (MAC) of Chemicals in the Water of Water Bodies of Household Drinking and Household Water Use”.
The meaning of all these standards comes down to the fact that water bodies — rivers, streams, lakes — allow water only to be discharged to such an extent that it does not cause significant harm to the environment, and the water in these water bodies will meet the standards for natural water.
Enterprises that independently clean wastewater and discharge it into reservoirs are obliged to develop and agree with the Rosprirodnadzor Standards for allowable discharges, receive permission to discharge and conduct regular production control of pollutants in the treated effluents.
Untreated sewage is domestic sewage and sewage from enterprises entering the city sewer network, for the treatment and discharge of which city water channels are responsible. The main regulatory document regulating the content of harmful substances in wastewater discharged into the sewage network is the RF Government Decree of 07/29/2013 N 644 "On approval of the Rules for cold water supply and sanitation and on amendments to some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation."
Local authorities, in accordance with paragraph 61 of the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1999 N 167 “On Approval of the Rules for the Use of Municipal Water Supply and Sewage Systems in the Russian Federation”, have the right to establish local standards for the content of pollutants in waste water, and these standards are often puzzling. In particular, the Decree of the City Hall of Novosibirsk dated June 30, 2017 N 3051 "On Standards of Wastewater Discharge (Discharge) on the Composition of Waste Water into the Wastewater System (Sewerage) of the City of Novosibirsk", which is in force in Novosibirsk, imposes more stringent standards according to some indicators, the norms are even more stringent than are imposed on drinking water!
Thus, the aluminum content in wastewater taken to the sewage system of the city of Novosibirsk should not exceed 0.04 mg / l (the norm according to Government Decree No. 644 differs by more than 100 times - 5 mg / l!), While the norm for drinking water of centralized sources of water supply - according to SanPiN - 0.5 mg / l.