Physical and mechanical tests

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Evaluation of STI stand for abrasion resistance (ASTM D 4060)

Taber abrasive wear machine

Tensile test (GOST 14236, GOST 11262)

AI-7000-M Universal Testing Machine

Compression test (GOST 4651)

AI-7000-M Universal Testing Machine

Static Bend Test (GOST - 4648)

AI-7000-M Universal Testing Machine

Determination of polymer melt viscosity as a function of temperature

Brookfeld's rotational melt viscometer(temperature range: + 23 ° C to + 25 ° C)

Determination of the index of the maximum oxygen content (ASTM B 2863)

The device for determining the flammability index Oxygen Index

Determination of melt flow index of thermoplastics by weight (MFR) and by volume (MVR) (ISO 1133)

GT-7100-MIB Automatic plastometer

Determination of oxygen index (GOST 21793)

The device for determining the flammability index Oxygen Index

Determination of the coefficient of friction (GOST 27492-87)

IT-2 " Mashplast "

Determination of low-temperature brittleness of plastics and elastomers upon impact (ASTM-D746)

GT-7061-D Device for determining low-temperature brittleness

Determination of density by hydrostatic weighing (GOST 15139)

AnD GH 252 Analytical Balance with Density Kit

Determination of melt flow index of thermoplastics (GOST 11645)

GT-7100-MIB Automatic plastometer

Determination of the permeability of polymeric film materials (ASTM D 1434, ISO 2556, ISO 15105-1, DIN 53 536)

VAC-V1 Stand for determination of gas permeability of films by manometric method

Determination of tensile strength under tension (GOST 14236, GOST 11262)

AI-7000-M Universal Testing Machine

Determination of weld strength (GOST 27319-87)

AI-7000-M Universal Testing Machine

Determination of strength, hardness of wood (GOST 16483.7, 16483.17,16483.3, 16483.10.)

AI-7000-M Universal Testing Machine

Determination of particle size in suspensions and emulsions (ISO 13320)

Malvern MasterSizer laserdiffractometric particle size analyzer

The definition of light aging. Exposure methods under laboratory light sources (ISO 4892-1)

Q-SUN weatherometer water shower

Determination of resistance to combustion, category PV-0, PV-1, PV-2 (GOST 28157-89)

burner chamber UL 94

Determination of UV resistance (ASTM G 151)

Q-SUN weatherometer water shower

Determination of indentation hardness using a durometer (GOST 24621)

Universal automatic hardness tester

Determination of melt flow / melt index (DIN 53735 ASTM - D 1238 method A and B)

GT-7100-MIB Automatic plastometer

Determination of brittleness temperature at impact (GOST 16782-92)

GT-7061-D Device for determining low-temperature brittleness

Determination of thickness by mechanical scanning (ISO 4593)

CHY-C2 High Resolution AutomaticThickness Gauge

Determination of the thickness of films and sheets (GOST 17035)

CHY-C2 High Resolution AutomaticThickness Gauge

Determination of thickness and specific volume (GOST 27015, ISO 534)

CHY-C2 High Resolution AutomaticThickness Gauge

Determination of impact strength by Charpy. Part 1. Non-instrumentalimpact test method (GOST 4647, ISO 179)

GT-7045-MDL Koper to determine the toughness

Determination of puncture force for film materials (GOST 12.4.118-82)

IT-2 " Mashplast "

Determination of UV resistance to non-metallic materials (ASTM G 155)

Q-SUN weatherometer water shower

Determination of combustion characteristics by oxygen index. Part 2. Test at ambient temperature (ISO 4589)

The device for determining the flammability index Oxygen Index

Characterization of stress-strain behavior under tension (GOST 14236, GOST 11262)

AI-7000-M Universal Testing Machine

Determination of color and whiteness (GOST 16873)

VS450 Visible Spectrophotometer

Determination of elongation at break (GOST 14236, GOST 11262)

AI-7000-M Universal Testing Machine

Determination of elastic strengthproperties under tension (GOST 12580)

AI-7000-M Universal Testing Machine

Evaluation of water absorption (GOST 4650-80, method A, B)

AnD GH 252 Analytical Balance

Evaluation of tear resistance of plastic sheets (GOST 262-93)

AI-7000-M Universal Testing Machine

Adhesive strength, when peeling at 180 ° T- Peel test (GOST 28966-91)

AI-7000-M Universal Testing Machine

The strength of the adhesive connection, when peeling at 90 ° (GOST 411-71)

AI-7000-M Universal Testing Machine

The strength of the adhesive connection, with the shift of theoverlap of contacts under 180 ° (GOST 14759-69)

AI-7000-M Universal Testing Machine

Empowering the Universal Testing Machine

Heat chamber for universal testing machine with cryo-capabilities .Temperature range: from -60С to + 250С

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