Microbiological control

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Control of microbiological contamination of air in "clean production areas" by the method of aspiration and sedimentation (up to 10 points)
Subsequent identification up to G + / G- (up to 10 colonies)

Control of microbiological contamination of surfaces, equipment in "clean production areas" by the method of flushes and the method of contact cups (up to 10 points)
Subsequent identification up to G + / G- (up to 10 colonies)

Determination of total microbial number for laboratory and other test water samples (1 point)
membrane filtration method
deep seeding method
Subsequent identification up to G + / G- (up to 10 colonies)

Microbiological control of compressed air, nitrogen (1 point)
Subsequent identification up to G + / G- (up to 10 colonies)

Control of growth properties of prepared nutrient media
control of nutrient media by bacterial strains (4 pcs)
control of nutrient media by fungal strains (2 pcs)
control of selective nutrient media (1 strain)

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