Analytical laboratory and materials science laboratory.

Analytical laboratory and materials science laboratory.

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analytical laboratory and materials science laboratory.

The functions of the analytical laboratory:

determination of physical and mechanical properties of rubber products and vulcanized rubber compounds;
quality control of electrical insulating oils, varnishes, enamels, compounds, coolants, paint coatings;
analysis of electroplating solutions of phosphating, galvanizing, oxidation;
determination of surface roughness parameters of various products from plastics, metals and ceramics;
determination of wear resistance of winding wire insulation; determination of the chemical composition of cast irons, steels, non-ferrous metals and metal powders by gravimetric, coulometric, potentiometric, photometric and spectral methods;
determination of physico-chemical properties of reservoir fluids;
analysis of the state of submersible equipment assemblies and units after bench testing and operation.
Laboratory functions of materials science:

determination of hardness of materials by the method of Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers, microhardness;
carrying out mechanical tests for impact strength;
evaluation of the microstructure of steels and alloys;
determination of defects in the surface of rolled steel and cast billets;
determination of the characteristics of surface-hardened chemical-heat treatment of layers of metal products;
control of the macrostructure;
determination of the characteristics of sprayed coatings;
conducting research on the development and development of new types of materials and products, selection of materials for structural, antifriction and corrosion-resistant purposes;
analysis of the state of submersible equipment components and assemblies after operation and bench tests.
The laboratory is staffed with highly qualified personnel.

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    Nos especializamos en la investigación de outsourcing y desarrollo de outsourcing, utilizando los mejores equipos y expertos.



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    JURIJA GAGARINA 231, NOVI BEOGRAD, SERBIA, 11070 +381 62 854 4808