Mineralogical and technological assessment of technogenic deposits

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The dumps and tailings of mining, metallurgical and chemical enterprises as a rule constitute a threat to the ecological safety of the region. However, experience at such landfills shows a high content of not only harmful / hazardous components, but also a fairly high content of expensive noble, radioactive, rare-earth and rare metals. The latter allows you to consider the dumps / tailings of your company as a technogenic deposit, the development of which leads to a triple benefit:

compliance of the territory occupied by the landfill with environmental safety standards.
extraction of valuable components and comprehensive disposal of the entire accumulated mass of waste.
the liberation of the territory occupied by the landfill.
A feature of most dumps / tailings is the uneven distribution of useful and harmful components in volume. This especially affects the old heaps that have undergone many years of chemical weathering and redeposition.

To make a decision on the possibility of processing the existing dump or tailing pond, you must answer a number of questions:

· What does this technogenic deposit contain (major components and impurities)?

· In what form (mechanical and chemical composition, mineral forms of finding)?

· Possibilities of enrichment and processing of the main and associated components? What is the degree of their recoverability of existing technologies?

· What will be waste when using different technologies? How to dispose of this waste?

In order to map the content of noble, radioactive, rare-earth and rare metals, we the geological department of VNIIKhT OJSC will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the dumps / tailings of your company, regarding it as a technogenic deposit:

(field work) reconnaissance on the ground with the definition of places and methods of sampling;
(field work) selection of representative technological samples;
(field work) sample preparation for transportation and analysis;
(laboratory work):
analytical studies: the definition of the main and associated components;
research on recycling recovered material.
As a result of mapping an object, the contours of the distribution and content of environmentally harmful elements (U, Th, As, Hg, Cd, etc.) and promising for the extraction of metals (noble, non-ferrous, rare and rare-earth) are determined in its volume.

The customer receives:

1. map with applied contours of the content of the main and impurity components

2. Recommendations on the technological scheme

a. processing (extraction of useful components and / or disposal of harmful components) of an existing technogenic deposit;

b. utilization of the main mass of the blade (cement, pavement, other resistant materials);

3. Recommendations for the direction of further work.

Based on this data, the Customer may:

· To present an enlarged technological scheme for the extraction of useful components and waste disposal with neutralization of harmful / hazardous components;

· Have an idea of ​​the nature, timing and cost of further work;

· Determine for itself the economic feasibility of developing this field and plan further activities

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