Development of design documentation

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Product design development

product / hour

Development of 3 D models

item / hour

Assembly drawing development

A 1

Development drawing details

A 4

Development drawing details


Development drawing details

A 2

Development drawing details

A 0

Specification development

position / hour

Normocontrol drawing

A 4

Development of the kinematic scheme.

Development of hydraulic and pneumatic schemes.

Development of electrical circuit.

Development of the wiring diagram.

Normal control of a text document

Specification norm control

Design control

Technological control

Verify copy with original

Copying drawings and specifications

Preparation, carrying out and registration of calculations, using the APM program

Development of a notice to change the documentation

Development of technical specifications (TZ)

Development of technical conditions for the manufacture of products (TU)

Development of the program and methods of testing products (PM)

Development of a passport and operating manual (OM)

Development of technical documentation for loading and packaging

Development of technical documentation for painting equipment

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