FemtoScan Laboratory

FemtoScan Laboratory

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FemtoScan Laboratory

Laboratory for studying of nanotechnology

FemtoScan laboratory is the most modern solution for effective training on nanotechnology for students and PhD -students in institutes and universities.  The system is the key part in education process for the qualified specialist.

New approach for educational process
Progress of nanoindustry depends directly on the background level of specialist. We created educational system FemtoScan Laboratory, which is now in use on the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Chemistry, the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Efficiency of use
The system FemtoScan Laboratory includes all necessary  staff for students training: one or several microscopes FemtoScan, work station, consumables and et al. During the education the students get experience of the real work in the field of nanotechnology:  investigation of nanoobjects and surface properties, operation on microscope, surface imaging and experimental data interpretation.

Organization of the educational process
The  FemtoScan Laboratory system contains all necessary equipment and software  for maintenance and organization of the educational process. By means of this system you will be able to realize distant students training.

Control of the work performance
The teacher could check in real-time the progress of the students work, and quickly estimate its quality by the help of the FemtoScan Laboratory system.

Distant cooperation
The FemtoScan Laboratory system allows to realize cooperative investigation with colleagues in  collaborative researches с in research centers in other cities or countries.

Data bank
The possibility of wide data base on nanoscopy is realized in the system for easier accumulation, exchange and arrangement of experimental data.

Ready for education
The FemtoScan Laboratory system contains materials and methods for training in nanotechnology developed and tested during the close cooperation and educational process in the Lomonosov Moscow State University.

  • one or several fully functional scanning probe microscopes FemtoScan

  • workstations for data processing

  • additional equipment (video observation, remote climate and light control and et al.)

  • security system and access control system

  • high speed network with server station

  • software for microscope operation, data acquisition and processing

    R&D outsouring

    We specialize in research outsourcing and development outsourcing, using the best equipment and experts


    نحن متخصصون في الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية للبحوث وتطوير الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية ، باستخدام أفضل المعدات والخبراء

    Nos especializamos en la investigación de outsourcing y desarrollo de outsourcing, utilizando los mejores equipos y expertos.



    +381 62 854 4808


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    JURIJA GAGARINA 231, NOVI BEOGRAD, SERBIA, 11070 +381 62 854 4808